Simulate real-world Attacks to strengthen your infrastructure defenses

Red Team Assessments are the pinnacle of cybersecurity testing, designed to simulate real-world attacks on your organisation’s security posture.

These assessments go beyond traditional penetration testing by emulating the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) used by adversaries to penetrate your defences, exploit vulnerabilities, and test your incident response capabilities.

Bramfitt Technology Labs (BTL) offers highly realistic Red Team Assessments to challenge your security controls, uncover hidden weaknesses, and strengthen your overall resilience against sophisticated cyber threats.

Comprehensive, multi-layered attack simulations to secure your infrastructure

BTL’s Red Team Assessments are comprehensive, targeting the entire spectrum of your organisation’s security—both digital and physical. Our assessments simulate persistent and advanced threats, providing a complete analysis of how your defences stand up against a determined adversary.

Our service includes:

  • Attack simulation: Conducting end-to-end attack scenarios that mimic the methods used by advanced threat actors, including social engineering, network exploitation, and data exfiltration.
  • Physical security testing: Assessing the security of physical premises through tactics like tailgating, badge cloning, and other techniques that test your physical access controls.
  • Lateral movement and persistence: Testing your ability to detect and respond to attackers moving within your network, exploiting one compromised asset to gain access to others.
  • Customised threat scenarios: Tailoring scenarios that reflect the most relevant threats to your industry, such as ransomware attacks, supply chain infiltration, or insider threats.
  • Blue Team interaction: Observing and assessing the response of your internal security team (Blue Team) during the attack simulation, providing valuable insights into your organisation’s detection and response capabilities.

Benefits of infrastructure attack simulations

Engaging BTL for a Red Team Assessment offers your organisation a unique opportunity to see how well your security defences perform under real-world attack conditions.

The benefits of our approach include:

  • Holistic security evaluation: We test your entire security posture, including digital, physical, and human elements, ensuring a comprehensive assessment of all possible entry points.
  • Enhanced incident response: By simulating real attacks, your security team gains hands-on experience in detecting and responding to breaches, improving their skills and readiness for actual threats.
  • Identification of hidden vulnerabilities: Our assessments reveal vulnerabilities that may be overlooked in traditional penetration tests, providing a deeper understanding of your security landscape.
  • Strategic risk mitigation: We deliver actionable recommendations that prioritise critical vulnerabilities, helping you focus on the most impactful improvements to your security strategy.
  • Regulatory compliance: Our Red Team Assessments help ensure your organisation meets compliance requirements for industries that demand rigorous testing of security defences and incident response protocols.

How our Red Team Assessments work

1. Initial Consultation Planning and Scoping

We begin by defining the scope of the Red Team Assessment, understanding your organisation’s critical assets, threat landscape, and objectives, to tailor our approach to your specific needs.

2. Reconnaissance and Intelligence Gathering

Our team conducts thorough research to gather intelligence on your systems, networks, personnel, and any publicly available information that could be used to craft realistic attack scenarios.

3. Attack Execution

We simulate a range of attack vectors, including digital attacks on your network, social engineering to exploit human vulnerabilities, and physical attempts to breach your premises. These attacks are conducted stealthily to mimic a real adversary’s behaviour.

4. Lateral Movement and Persistence Testing

Once initial access is gained, we explore lateral movement within your environment, testing your organisation’s ability to detect and respond to deeper infiltration attempts.

5. Analysis and Reporting:

Upon completing the simulation, we deliver a detailed report that outlines every step of the attack, the methods used, vulnerabilities exploited, and your team’s response effectiveness. We provide both technical findings and strategic recommendations for improvement.

6. Debrief and Remediation Support

We conduct a comprehensive debrief with your leadership and security teams, discussing the results and guiding you through the remediation process to fortify your defences against similar threats in the future.

Why work with BTL?

Bramfitt Technology Labs is recognised for its realistic and tailored approach to Red Team Assessments. Our team consists of seasoned cybersecurity professionals who bring deep expertise in emulating sophisticated threat actors.

We do not merely point out vulnerabilities; we work with you to understand the context, impact, and remediation strategies, transforming your security posture from reactive to proactive. At BTL, we are committed to enhancing your organisation’s ability to withstand and respond to the most advanced cyber threats, making your defences more resilient and adaptive to the evolving landscape.

Talk to us

Is your organisation ready to face a full-scale cyberattack? Contact Bramfitt Technology Labs today to discuss how our Red Team Assessments can help you identify and close security gaps before real adversaries can exploit them. Let’s build a security strategy that not only defends but actively anticipates and neutralises the next wave of cyber threats.

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